Vol. 1, Issue 4, Part C (2015)

Combined endodontic surgery associated with intra canal medicament (calcium hydroxide) is necessary for chronic periapical lesions - A case report


Ashek Elahi Noor, Nurul Amin, Tazrin Mustari Shanta


The Periapical lesions are the result of an inflammatory response to bacterial infection within the root canal. Conventional nonsurgical endodontic treatment has a high degree of clinical success, but in certain cases surgical intervention becomes necessary. A non-surgical method involves cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system which reduces the bacteria and creates an environment in which periapical healing can occur. On the other hand surgical method may required in selected dental cases such as bacteria colonizing the periapical tissues, cysts and foreign body reactions. This article describe the case of combined endodontic surgery (endodontic treatment followed by Apicoectomy) with 2 years follow up. In view of the clinical case follow-up, we can conclude that in teeth with persistent periapical lesions after having undergone an appropriate combined endodontic surgery associated with using intracanal medicament (calcium hydroxide) can be an efficient option in there solution of the infection and periapical tissue repair.

Pages: 133-135  |  1999 Views  200 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Ashek Elahi Noor, Nurul Amin, Tazrin Mustari Shanta. Combined endodontic surgery associated with intra canal medicament (calcium hydroxide) is necessary for chronic periapical lesions - A case report. Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci. 2015;1(4):133-135.