Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part C (2018)
Institutional experience on the prevalence of the Odontogenic tumors: A retrospective analysis
Pranav Parashar, Noori Dalwadi, Chintan Modi and Neha Garg
Background and Aim: Most of the available literature is from Africans and American countries, which showed that difference of frequency in the distribution of the different type of Odontogenic tumors. However there is very little information about the prevalence of Odontogenic tumors in India. Hence the present study was carried out to provide data on Odontogenic tumors and to provide the frequency distribution of the same in different medical institutes in Indore city
Materials & Methods: Medical institute in Indore city were reviewed for the retrieval of the data for the study. For the inclusion in the study, the histopathological reports were retrieved from the pathological department of the respective institute. All the lesions which were diagnosed as Odontogenic lesions were included in the study. A total of 80 cases diagnosed as Odontogenic tumors were included in the study.
Results: As per the gender distribution 50 cases were found in male and 30 cases were found in females, with the ratio found to be 2:1. As per the locations mandible was more affected as compared to maxilla, with 55 cases to be found in mandible itself and 25 cases in maxilla which shows the ratio to be almost 2:1.
Conclusion: Odontogenic tumors are very rare and consist of heterogeneous group of lesions which are derived from Odontogenic tissues. The present study provides the information related to the epidemiology and the geographic variation among the Odontogenic tumors in the central Indian population. There is essentiality to have the knowledge in relation to the data of the Odontogenic tumors so as to ascertain the risk group of population and to ascertain proper diagnosis of the lesion.
Pages: 158-160 | 1732 Views 256 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Pranav Parashar, Noori Dalwadi, Chintan Modi and Neha Garg. Institutional experience on the prevalence of the Odontogenic tumors: A retrospective analysis. Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci. 2018;4(2):158-160.