Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part D (2018)
Does post-traumatic transient discoloration indicate a good pro-gnosis? Case report with 2 years of follow-up
Luca Casula, Cinzia Casu and Luca Vigano
Coronal discoloration is a common event observed following trauma in deciduous and permanent teeth. The clinician choose between immediate endodontic treatment and follow-up, waiting for clear evidence of pulpal necrosis.
A 35 years old female patient, showed the concussion of the element #21, the sub-luxation of the element #11 and the concomitant coronal fracture of both. The crown fractured of both elements was rebuilt three days after the trauma. Two weeks after the trauma the element #11 was negative to the cold test, had coronal discoloration (red) and it was painful to percussion. Althought there were several signs which indicated the possible pulpal necrosis, root canal therapy has not been perfor-med on the tooth. After two months the syptoms had returned to normal, as well as the color of the tooth. Two years after the trauma, the tooth responds positively to the sensitivity test (cold), is asyn-tomatic and has a normal color.
Pages: 193-196 | 3180 Views 1688 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Luca Casula, Cinzia Casu and Luca Vigano. Does post-traumatic transient discoloration indicate a good pro-gnosis? Case report with 2 years of follow-up. Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci. 2018;4(1):193-196.