Vol. 8, Issue 4, Part A (2022)

An update on management of avulsed teeth


Daniela Hernandez Martinez, Jorge Jaime Flores Treviño, Myriam Angelica De La Garza Ramos, Hilda Lourdes Muñuzuri Arana, Julio Cesar Adams Ocampo, Maria Eugenia Vazquez Sanchez, Araceli Cortes Camacho and Juan Manuel Solis Soto

Introduction: Avulsion of permanent teeth is one of the most serious dental injuries, prompt and correct emergency management is essential to achieve the best outcome after this injury.
Objective: To analyze the literature on avulsed teeth, particularly its prevalence, storage media, consequences and treatment.
Methodology: In order to carry out this literature review, an electronic search was necessary using PubMed and Google Scholar with the words avulsed tooth, and prevalence, storage media, treatment.
Results: The prevalence of traumatic dental injuries is greater in male patients of school age. The most common treatment is reimplantation. The main adverse events are dental ankylosis and resorption. When immediate reimplantation is not possible, the most practical means of preservation is cow's milk, currently anti-reabsorption therapy is used to improve the prognosis in addition to the use of a semi-flexible stabilizer.
Conclusion: The treatment of choice for dental avulsion will always be reimplantation, whether immediate or delayed, regardless of how long the tooth is kept out of the mouth. Although there is no predictable prognosis, it does not mean that reimplantation should not be attempted, since the tooth will be of great importance in contributing to the mandibular and facial development of the child.

Pages: 42-45  |  1817 Views  1003 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Daniela Hernandez Martinez, Jorge Jaime Flores Treviño, Myriam Angelica De La Garza Ramos, Hilda Lourdes Muñuzuri Arana, Julio Cesar Adams Ocampo, Maria Eugenia Vazquez Sanchez, Araceli Cortes Camacho and Juan Manuel Solis Soto. An update on management of avulsed teeth. Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci. 2022;8(4):42-45. DOI: 10.22271/oral.2022.v8.i4a.1625