Vol. 8, Issue 1, Part H (2022)
Management of mandibular incisor crowding with clear aligners and nickel titanium wires: A comparative study
Mohammed Ribin Melethil, Jan Mohd Bhat and Jobin Baby
Background: Esthetic orthodontic appliances such as esthetic labial appliances like plastic brackets, ceramic brackets, esthetic coated arch wires, lingual appliances and clear aligners are very popular among patients which are outcome of new advances in orthodontics. The present study compared treatment of mandibular incisor crowding with clear aligners and nickel titanium wires.
Materials & Methods: 40 patients with mandibular incisal crowding were selected. Two groups were formed of both gender. First group (Group I) patients were treated with nickel- titanium arch wires and second group (group II) patients with clear aligners. Crowding was assessed using little’s irregularity index. The linear horizontal displacement of the anatomic contact points of mandibular anterior teeth was measured and added which denoted total irregularity score. Patients were recalled regularly at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks.
Results: At baseline, mean score in first group was 2.94 mm and in second was 2.70 mm, at 4 weeks in first group was 1.68 mm and in second group was 1.50 mm, at 8 weeks in first group was 0.94 mm and in second group was 1.4 mm and at 12 weeks in first group was 0.64 mm and in second group was 0.56 mm. The difference was non- significant (P> 0.05). The mean change in little’s irregularity index score at 4 weeks in first group was 1.28 mm and in second group was 1.21 mm, at 8 weeks was 0.75 mm in first group and 0.46 mm in second group and at 12 weeks was 0.37 mm in first group and 0.74 mm in second group. The difference was significant (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: Both nickel titanium wires and clear aligners were equally efficient in managing mandibular anterior crowding
Pages: 558-560 | 724 Views 287 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Mohammed Ribin Melethil, Jan Mohd Bhat and Jobin Baby. Management of mandibular incisor crowding with clear aligners and nickel titanium wires: A comparative study. Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci. 2022;8(1):558-560. DOI: 10.22271/oral.2022.v8.i1h.1663