Vol. 9, Issue 3, Part B (2023)

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Prosthodontic management in provisionalization of implants in esthetic zone
Ismael Alejandro Guerrero Rodriguez, Alma Delia Serrano Romero, Valentin Zaragoza Magaña, Felipe de Jesus Iglesias Castañeda, Alejandro Aguilar Cuellar, Maria Argelia Akemi Nakagoshi Cepeda, Paulina Olivares Ontiveros and Juan Manuel Solis Soto
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 75-79
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: Mexico  |  File Size: (219 KB)  |  1692 Views 1137 Downloads
Antibiotic therapy in pediatric dentistry
Gabriela García Alvarez, Laura Elena Villarreal Garcia, Sonia Martha Lopez Villarreal, Osvelia Esmeralda Rodriguez Luis, Juan Carlos Medrano Rodriguez, Nubia Maricela Chavez Lamas, Ana Karen Gonzalez Alvarez and Juan Manuel Solis Soto
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 80-83
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: Mexico  |  File Size: (246 KB)  |  1406 Views 818 Downloads
Antibacterial nanoparticles in endodontics and restorative dentistry
Dr. Alex Immanuel Y, Dr. Ida de Noronha de Ataide and Dr. Rajan Lambor
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 84-89
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (619 KB)  |  1048 Views 626 Downloads
Diagnosis and management of impacted mandibular canine: A review
Dr. Sonal Chowdhary and Dr. Raveena Yadav
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 90-92
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (590 KB)  |  1465 Views 951 Downloads
Accuracy of digital scan body impression for implant supported fixed partial denture by using intra and extra-oral scanners (comparative in vitro study)
Youssef Ahmed Naguib, Hesham Al Ansary and Dr. Eman Ezzat Youssef
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 93-97
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: Egypt  |  File Size: (859 KB)  |  822 Views 386 Downloads
An update on guided endodontics
Luz Estrella Romero Oliva, Jose Elizondo Elizondo, Sara Saenz Rangel, Maricela Ramirez Alvarez, Rosa Alicia Garcia Jau, Efigenia Moreno Terrazas, Fernanda Poblano Izaguirre and Dr. Juan Manuel Solis Soto
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 98-101
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: Mexico  |  File Size: (602 KB)  |  1565 Views 764 Downloads
Dental autotransplantation
Adylene Fuentes Carrasco, Lizeth Edith Quintanilla Rodriguez, Norma Cruz Fierro, Anel Xicohtencatl Villaseñor, Armando Francisco Javier Lara Rosano, Julio Benitez Pascual, Daniel Lizarraga Rodriguez, and Dr. Juan Manuel Solis Soto
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 102-105
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: Mexico  |  File Size: (491 KB)  |  796 Views 321 Downloads
Cognizance of dentists regarding guided bone regeneration in treatment of dental implant cases
Dr. Sunpreet Kaur and Dr. Amit Bhardwaj
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 106-110
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (716 KB)  |  745 Views 255 Downloads
Treatment of anterior cross bite: A review of literature and case report
Dr. Radiyah Majed Al-Qallaf
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 111-114
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: Kuwait  |  File Size: (701 KB)  |  2828 Views 1979 Downloads
Knowledge and attitude of parents on child's oral health: A questionnaire survey
Hema Aparna MM, Jayanthi M, Poornima V, Deebiga K and Sruthi B
Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci., 2023; 9(3): 115-119
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (486 KB)  |  1201 Views 661 Downloads