Vol. 9, Issue 1, Part B (2023)
Dental intern’s perception of difficulties in performing root canal treatment: A cross sectional study
Dr. Shubham V Dhoble, Dr. Sadhana Raina and Dr. Palsh R Maheshwari
Introduction: Root canal treatment (RCT) is a multi-phase procedure and is the one of the most regularly practicing procedures in dentistry. This is the procedure in which many of the undergraduate dental interns face problems in one and the other step. Therefore.
A questionnaire based study was done over 100 interns to determine significant procedural difficulties and challenges encountered by undergraduates during endodontic root canal treatment.
Material and Methodology: It was a cross sectional study in which 100 interns with the same year of graduation and level of experience who were willing to participate were involved. All participants were given questionnaires involving 18 questions in which there were 15 close ended questions and three open ended questions. The statistical analysis was done to get the results.
Results: For the first 15 close-ended questions, interns found it difficult to manage calcification in pulp chamber and root canals (89.9%), placing rubber dam (80.8%), and removing gutta percha in retreatment cases (75.8%). Interns didn't find any difficulty in irrigation procedure (92.9%), radiographic verification of master cones (92.9%), and giving local anaesthesia (89.9%).
Conclusion: Assessment of major difficulties faced by interns during root canal treatment may assist in development of better and effective methods of teaching. This study will help to discover various gaps in teaching schedules which if altered correctly would be of great benefit to the quality of their performance.
Pages: 90-96 | 1004 Views 468 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shubham V Dhoble, Dr. Sadhana Raina and Dr. Palsh R Maheshwari. Dental intern’s perception of difficulties in performing root canal treatment: A cross sectional study. Int. J. Appl. Dent. Sci. 2023;9(1):90-96. DOI: 10.22271/oral.2023.v9.i1b.1661